Habit & Form
Cornish Minerals
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The following are a list of links to other sites that have information on Liroconite or other Cornish and British minerals, or that may occasionally have specimens for sale.  If your site falls into these categories, then please contact us at , and we would be pleased to add you to our Links page.


Sites with further Information on British Minerals


Minerals of Scotland - Contains details and photos on the minerals of Scotland and other parts of the British Isles including Cornwall.

Mineral Town - Information for mineral collectors.  Articles, educational contents, photo galleries, trade zone, search engine and directory of web sites about rocks, gems, fossils and minerals.

Barite - Malcolm Woodward specialises in Barite and has information and photos on the mines and minerals of Northern England.

Bob's Rock Shop Massive website based in the USA devoted to minerals worldwide.  Contains Rockhound news, many articles and collecting stories, micromounting, stamps, software, rock and mineral identification, crystallography, hikes, lapidary, reviews, galleries of photographs, email lists, discussion groups, classified advertisements and links.

Camborne School of Mines Virtual Museum - A site on Cornish geology produced by the Camborne School of Mines, part of the University of Exeter in the UK. Includes information on Cornish mining history and the mineralogy of Cornwall.  Currently still under construction.

Fluorite Helen Wilkinson has a non-commercial site dedicated to the mineral workings of the Northern Pennine orefield of England and those who worked them. Contains a lot of interesting information on the mines and minerals in the north of Britain.

RockSite - Information on minerals mainly from the North of Britain with some minerals for sale.

The Russell Society - The Russell Society is Britain's leading society specialising in topographical mineralogy. It is named after the eminent amateur mineralogist Sir Arthur Russell (1878 - 1964). The Web site has a gallery of mineral photographs. - The largest mineral database on the Internet containing principally scientific data, and listing minerals and localities.

Mineral Paradise - Mineral Paradise has been designed with the intention of aiding mineral identification with photographic images. Features a useful gallery full of excellent primarily micromount photographs of UK minerals including many Cornish.

Minerals of South West England - Information and minerals listed for a number of Cornish mines, plus mineral photographic galleries.

Nick LeBoutillier's Cornish Geology - A resource for anyone interested in the geology of Southwest Cornwall.  It stems from a literature review for a research degree undertaken by Nick at the Camborne School of Mines in Cornwall on 'The tectonics of Permian magmatism and mineralisation in SW England'.  Also included is information on the geology and mineralogy of South Crofty Mine collated during Nick's time as senior mine geologist, prior to the closure of the mine in 1998.

The Vug - Extensive links to mineral, gem, fossil, lapidary and related web sites around the world.

UK Journal of Mines and Minerals - Leading British magazine on minerals and mining. Articles of interest to mineral collectors, mine historians, museum curators, and topographic mineralogists. Number 19 features an in-depth article on the Ting Tang mine in Cornwall where Liroconite was found.

Wheal Gorland Website - Includes an old account of the history of Wheal Gorland together with an excellent Cornish mineral bibliography.

West Mary Ann Mine - Detailed information on the Cornish mine, West Wheal Mary Ann, a close neighbour to the more famous Wheal Mary Ann.  West Mary Ann has recently been re-opened thanks to a band of dedicated enthusiasts. This site contains information on the mines history, plans, photos, the minerals found etc.

Commercial sites with specimens for sale

Cornwall and Devon Mineral Specimens - One of the best specialist sources of Cornwall and Devon minerals for sale including Liroconite.  Highly recommended.

Kevin Conroy Minerals - A good variety of minerals at reasonable prices including Cornish and other parts of the UK.

TOPMIN - A German collector who specialises in Fluorite with many minerals for sale.

WeardaleRocks - A site specialising in supplying mineral specimens from Weardale and other parts of the North of England.  They have well-located specimens suitable for beginner collectors to specialists and museums. Recommended, particularly for Fluorite. 

Broadstone Minerals - Mike Brooke has a selection of good value minerals for sale from around the world, with an emphasis on British minerals including Cornish.

Crystal Vine - Mineral specimens  from a small British mineral business run by Sara Giller. Contains a British Gallery in addition to a Worldwide gallery, and has occasional mail order catalogues.

John Betts Fine Minerals - A very diverse site with many minerals for sale with new ones added weekly.  Also many other useful sections such as mineral cleaning, tools for collecting, mineral photography etc.

Lowestone - Based in Cornwall close to Wheal Gorland, Paul Lowe offers a range of quality minerals from around the world with twice monthly lists.

Moore Books - Specialist in Mining, Industrial Archeology and Caving books with large second-hand list of British mining.

Moorland Minerals - Good specimens of British minerals, specialising in Ireland, Scotland and Northern England. Many Fluorites!

OsoSoft Mineral Connection - Good mineral specimens from around the world.

Trafford-Flynn Fine Minerals - Excellent site specialising in unusual and interesting minerals at affordable prices.  Shields Flynn searches out unusual crystal forms, pseudomorphs and uncommon species.  Sometimes has Liroconite and other Cornish minerals.

Trinity Mineral Company - John Veevaert has large range of minerals from many parts of the world with good photos on his site including a European room and frequently British pieces.  He also has periodic mineral auctions.


Copyright (C) 2003-8 David Aubrey-Jones. All rights reserved. No part of this Web site and its contents may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the author.

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